Cook / Cook Helper


Dipost lebih dari 1 tahun lalu

Loker telah kedaluwarsa

Informasi Dasar

Kisaran gaji (per bulan)

Rp2.7jt - Rp3.3jt

Posisi tersedia


Bidang usaha

Cook / Juru Masak / Koki / Commis

Jenis pekerjaan


Preferensi khusus

Pengalaman kerja

12 bulan

Pendidikan minimal


Keahlian yang diperlukan


Informasi Tambahan

Qualification :

  • Min. Education SMA/SMK, Diploma/ Bachelor
  • Min. 1 year experience in restaurant as a cook
  • Able to work as a team and under pressure
  • Experience in western and asian food service oriented, friendly, well-groomed
  • Willing to work under shift schedule include weekends and public holiday

Lokasi Kantor

Jl. Raya Golf Graha Famili Bundaran Blok I, Pradahkalikendal, Kec. Dukuhpakis, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60226, Indonesia


Common Grounds Surabaya

In all of our outlets, everything you have on the table carries history. The cup of coffee that tells the premium beans’ journey from plant to portafilter, the plate of brunch delicacy made with precision, all the way to the desserts that become the guiltless pleasure of many. Common Grounds is our journey seeking the perfect blend of possibilities and enhanced hospitality.

Makanan & Minuman / Kuliner

Loker lain untuk kamu

Loker-loker ini mungkin cocok untuk kamu. Yuk apply sekarang!