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Rp4.5jt - Rp6jt

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Informasi Tambahan

Blue Bird Membawa Kebahagiaan

Lokasi Kantor

Blue Bird Pool Narogong, Jalan Raya Narogong, RT.002/RW.007, Bojong Menteng, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

PT Blue Bird

From taxi, containers and heavy equipments, to logistics, Blue Bird Group is a holding group that is ready to cater to all your needs. To many citizens of Jakarta and many other big cities in Indonesia, Blue Bird Group isn’t just a taxi company, but a part of their lifestyle. If New York is known with the yellow taxi and London with the black cab, then Jakarta has Blue Bird: the armada of blue taxis adorning the busy streets of Jakarta all the time.


Loker lain untuk kamu

Loker-loker ini mungkin cocok untuk kamu. Yuk apply sekarang!