Executive Assistant


Dipost lebih dari 2 tahun lalu

Loker telah kedaluwarsa

Informasi Dasar

Kisaran gaji (per bulan)

Rp2jt - Rp7jt

Posisi tersedia


Bidang usaha


Jenis pekerjaan


Preferensi khusus

Pengalaman kerja

12 bulan

Pendidikan minimal


Keahlian yang diperlukan


Informasi Tambahan

Job Description :

  • Managing People
  • Schedule Task & Follow Up
  • Any Other duties as may reasonably be required by the Directors

Qualification : 

  • Minimum education S-1 (any Field) preferably related to Management Or Engineering
  • Maximum Age 30 Years
  • Minimum 1 year experience as Executive Assistant / Personal Assistant
  • Having good communication skills
  • Have good administrative skills
  • Have the ability to manage peopl

Lokasi Kantor

Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


PT Nan Darma Kanigara (Poolapack)

Poolapack is the pioneer and the first GB (Group Buying) Marketplace in Indonesia, we are committed to being part of the operational revolution in industry 4.0. Poolapack has transformed into a multi-vendor Group Buying (GB) platform that targets the industrial niche market in Indonesia. Poolapack aims to provide a modern and transparent platform where industrial producers called Packer, and small quantity buyers called Pooler meet directly without any intermediaries. You can buy products directly from the factory by getting factory prices with an affordable minimum order quantity.


Loker lain untuk kamu

Loker-loker ini mungkin cocok untuk kamu. Yuk apply sekarang!