Host Live Streaming

Dipost 8 bulan lalu

Loker telah kedaluwarsa

Informasi Dasar

Kisaran gaji (per bulan)

Rp5.5jt - Rp6jt

Posisi tersedia


Bidang usaha

Content Creator

Jenis pekerjaan


Preferensi khusus

Pengalaman kerja

1 bulan

Pendidikan minimal


Keahlian yang diperlukan

Social Media
Berpikir Kreatif
Public Speaking
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris
Kemauan Belajar

Informasi Tambahan

Job Description: 1. Host Live streaming in TikTok for interacting with audience (not affiliate or selling product); 2. Cooperate with operation and field control to complete the process and enrich the content; 3. Cooperate with short video operations to complete the output of short video high-quality content, increase followers. Job requirements: 1. Can make up, have good English language skills, good facial features; 2. Experience in Nimo, Mico, and Bigo will be advantaged. 3. Educational experience is not limited, talent (singing and dancing, instrumental music, acrobatics, talk show, etc.) is preferred; 4. Strong camera sense, good at mobilizing the atmosphere, and strong language expression ability; 5. Strong adaptability and learning ability, able to deal with unexpected situations during the live broadcast; 6. Passionate about the media business, with a proactive attitude towards work.

Lokasi Kantor

Kemayoran, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia


Seni, Musik & Kerajinan

Loker lain untuk kamu

Loker-loker ini mungkin cocok untuk kamu. Yuk apply sekarang!