Steward (Surabaya)

Dipost lebih dari 1 tahun lalu

Loker telah kedaluwarsa

Informasi Dasar

Kisaran gaji (per bulan)

Rp2.5jt - Rp4.5jt

Posisi tersedia


Bidang usaha

Steward / Dishwasher

Jenis pekerjaan


Preferensi khusus

Pengalaman kerja

12 bulan

Pendidikan minimal


Keahlian yang diperlukan


Informasi Tambahan

Kualifikasi :

•Usia maksimal 28 tahun

•Pendidikan terakhir minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat

•Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun diposisi yang sama

•Lulusan dari Tata Boga dan Perhotelan menjadi nilai tambah

•Tinggi minimal 155CM (Wanita) dan 165cm (Pria)

• Wajib sudah vaksin booster

•Diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman dari Restaurant bagus

Lokasi Kantor

Tunjungan Plaza, Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.8-12, Kedungdoro, Kec. Tegalsari, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60261, Indonesia

Pepper Lunch

Pepper Lunch is a (Do-It-Yourself) fast food steak house with more than 200 outlets in Japan and Asia. Presenting a novel concept of sizzling Steaks; Pastas; Curry Rice; and not forgetting our signature Pepper Rice, Pepper Lunch promises a dynamic and fresh culinary experience for everyone. All at affordable prices! At Pepper Lunch, you are our master Chef. We assemble the finest & freshest ingredients on our patented sizzling hot teppanand while you simply immerse yourself in the culinary and wholesome experience of ‘Sizzling it your Way’. For a different twist, experiment with our exquisitely crafted sauces to create a taste of your own! With its Japanese-patented unique design, the iron plate plays a key part in Pepper Lunch’s successful formula. Using a special electromagnetic cooker, the iron plate will heat up to 260 ̊C in 70 seconds. It will stay hot at approximately 80 ̊C for more than 20 minutes. The iron plate also keeps the other dishes in the meal warm, with a freshly-cooked taste for longer periods time. Better yet, you can visit our regular Pepper Lunch establishments, located in the most strategic hang-out places around the country, or try Pepper Lunch Express, a swifter way to experience our meal, at the best food courts around Indonesia. With our two special sauces to add to the meals of your choosing, we are more than certain you’ll be hooked on Pepper Lunch right away!

Makanan & Minuman / Kuliner

Loker lain untuk kamu

Loker-loker ini mungkin cocok untuk kamu. Yuk apply sekarang!